Jul 17, 2009

Canvassing and Phone Banking For Health Care Reform

Wondering what I am up to?

Thank to the vote of a overwhelming majority of the American People that supported a campaign promising the implementation of legislative measures in areas such as: Deficit Reduction, Renewable Energy, Health Care Reform and Jobs Creation, that would benefit the American Nation as a whole, Democrats have a majority in the House of Representative and Congress with a clear mandate.

However, despite the fact that some responsible Republican Senators and House Representatives have pledged their vote in support of the above measures, after being elected to office, some “Blue Dogs Democrats” are flip flopping and cutting deals behind closed doors with lobbyists of the big interests in Washington, jeopardizing a unique opportunity of getting the country out of it present financial crisis.

I’ll expend 40 hours canvassing and 20 hours phone banking for “Health Care Reform for America NOW!” starting 7/20/2009 ending 7/30/2009 or until Congress announce the passing of a Strong Public Option Health Care Reform Bill, according with President Obama envisioned 3 core principles: 1. Low cost insurance 2. Freedom of Choice of Plan and doctors and 3. Availability of quality Health Care insurance for all American.

Along with my personal canvassing and phone banking campaign for Health Care Reform I will be conducting a Petition Drive, seeking additional signatures for a letter already sent to President Obama, in reference to the creation of a Community Service Center in Allapattah.
(To see this document copy this link: http://get.adobe.com/reader/ and download adobe reader version 9.1.2)

On Monday, July 20, 2009, at 6:00 PM, at "The Dominican Park" located at 2800 NW 17 Ave., Miami, Fl 33142, Organizing For America (O.F.A.), MoveOn.Org and Democracy For America (D.F.A.) supporters will gather for a “Whip Count -All Free- Party” kickoff campaign.

This is the letter delivered to Senator Bill Nelson requesting his support of a Strong Public Option of Health Care Reform for all.
Health Care Reform Petition

The following is Senator Bill Nelson reply to our letter of petition in support of a strong Public Option Healthcare reform that would comply with President Obama outlined 3 core principles:
1. - Low cost insurance for all. 2.- Freedom of Choice of a Public or Private Plan and doctors and 3.- Availability of quality Health Care insurance for all American, regardless of medical precondition.

He replied, as underlined, “…I am working toward reforms that would make health insurance available to all Americans through an insurance exchange and would provide subsidies to those who cannot afford coverage”.
Senator Bill Nelson Reply letter

His reply falls short to meet the requirements of the 3 core principles of President Obama. Therefore, today, July 23, 2009, we all going to let him know that this is not what 76% of the American people wants.

To write a letter to your Congress representative, asking where they stand on this issue
http://www.healthcareforamericanow.org/WhipCount (copy and paste to your browser)

To send a letter to Congress members asking them to hold their 3 weeks vacation until they pass the Health Care Reform Bill
http://action.firedoglake.com/page/s/dontdelay?source=fdlemail&subsource=fwd (copy and paste in your browser).

For a list of Senators receiving contributions from money big interest in Washington http://boldprogressives.org/PublicOption/factsheet.html (copy and paste to your browser).

On a different note, I want to state that the attacks by proxi will not succeed!
Kendrick Meek and Luis garcia at the dominican park

El pueblo Cubano, en su "inconmensurable sabiduria", ha dejado plasmado en su memoria arquetipica que "Cuando ves a un blanco y a un negro juntos es por que o le debe el blanco al negro o es de el negro la comi'a."

Luis Garcia Attack by proxi 3
Luis Garcia Attack by proxi 2
Luis Garcia Attack by proxi 1

Did you do your research on Carl Jung and his “Archetypical Memory” which explains that it is similar to an image of a past collective act but it is not the actual act (as to what is happening at the current moment)?
Listen the testimony of State Rep., District 107, Luis Garcia, a Cuban in exile, as to how they think about “blacks abilities”.

Now, one thing is telling in a small gathering that you are going to support someone and, in practice, organizing a rally in an obscure spot while sending your surrogates with someone’s country flag to wave at a rally in support of the opposing candidate (organized by your surrogates at a very well recognized place, such as Restaurant Versailles, in “Calle Ocho”, Little Havana.
This person is using the campaign of a black candidate to send emails to my mother, using my email account, as a way of intimidating me. He is a co-defendant on my lawsuit Case Num. 08-23076-CIV-GOLD/MCALILEY, Charman Vs State of Florida et al, seeking to redress my constitutional rights.

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