Jul 17, 2009

Open Letter to President Obama

Miami, Florida
June 27, 2009

Honorable Barack Obama, POTUS
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington DC, 20500

Reference: Request for a Community Service Center

Honorable President:

We, the Neighbors of Allapattah in Miami, supported your campaign for the presidency of the United of States of America by volunteering time and resources, sometimes digging deep in our pockets for the last dollar to donate for the success of your campaign for the presidency of the United States of America.

When Mr. Richard Charman came to us in representation of your campaign, talking about your message of hope, he offered nothing to us other than your word asking us to believe in our ability to change our lives and, that, if you were elected, he would request the creation of a Community Service Center, where we would be provided with the following support services:
1. Job Placement and related services.
2. Counseling on how to access city, county, state and federal’s programs/services available to other communities.
3. Referral to services provided by other local non-profit and governmental agencies.

We are aware that dated November 4, 2008, the aforementioned request has been taken by Mr. Richard Charman, Pro Se, to The United States District Court, Southern District of Florida, in the form of a lawsuit, in which your campaign and the Democratic Party are named as codefendants, among others. That case was assigned the Num. 08-23076-CIV-GOLD/MCALILEY and, upon the filing of his motion titled “PLAINTIFF’S MOTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL”, dated May 26, 2009, this case, as per Order of the Honorable Alan S. Gold, dated June 9, 2009, was referred to the “Volunteer Lawyers’ Project for the Southern District of Florida” for potential representation.

Mr. President, with all due respect to the above named co-defendants legal right to a “Defense”, we understand that the hiring and alignment of a combined army of 6 Law firms, 4 by Obama For America, Inc. (your campaign) and 2 by the Democratic Party, against a Pro Se litigant (once named “the super volunteer”) not only violate the spirit of your campaign but it is a monstrosity waste of resources that could be used for the betterment of our community, for which you would have our perpetual gratitude.

Mr. President, historically this community have been continuously deceived by many of our politicians with their electoral promises of progress and messages of hope which, once in office, they tend to forget until the electoral cycle is reinitiated.

We expect that this cycle will end with your election as the President of the most powerful nation on earth and that this so much needed Community Service Center will come to fruition with your intervention allowing us, at the same time, to accomplish the following:
a) To save the tax payers a considerable amount of money on a needless litigation associated with this request.
b) To save your campaign and the Democratic Party from a moral defeat.

We fully support the above mentioned claim and for this reason we are signing this petition, expecting that you, as a former community organizer, will fully support our request by ordering the allocation of all necessary resources for the creation of the referenced Community Service Center.


Richard Charman
Dem. Executive Committee Member,
Of Miami-Dade Democratic Party
Committeeman Precinct 529
Telephone Number (305)636-4400
Email: richardcharman@net-tronics.com
1201 NW 32 St,
Miami, Florida 33142

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Net-Tronics, Corp.
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Richard Charman, Director of Business Development

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