Apr 15, 2009

Content of Net-Tronics.com Webstore as of April 15, 2009

Solcito (Alicia M.) esta ahora alegrando tu manana, tocando tu musica predilecta, a peticion, e interactuando contigo en linea en su nuevo programa radial por internet, el cual se difunde de lunes a viernes a partir de las 7:00 A.M. (hora de la Argentina, 5:00 A.M. EST) en El Rincon de Fernix.

Te garantizo que gozaras de lo lindo conmigo en mi rincon che.

Ahi viene Richie Viene virao……DIOS, PATRIA Y LIBERTAD

President Barack Obama took the oath of office as the 44th president of the United States and delivered an inaugural address focusing on the themes of sacrifice and renewal on January 20, 2009.


I used to think that I could not go on<br />And life was nothing but an awful song<br />But now I know the meaning of true love<br />I'm leaning on the everlasting arms<br /><br />If I can see it, then I can do it<br />If I just believe it, there's nothing to it<br /><br />[1]<br />I believe I can fly<br />I believe I can touch the sky<br />I think about it every night and day<br />Spread my wings and fly away<br />I believe I can soar<br />I see me running through that open door<br />I believe I can fly<br />I believe I can fly<br />I believe I can fly<br /><br />See I was on the verge of breaking down<br />Sometimes silence can seem so loud<br />There are miracles in life I must achieve<br />But first I know it starts inside of me, oh<br /><br />If I can see it, then I can do it<br />If I just believe it, there's nothing to it<br /><br />[Repeat 1]<br /><br />Hey, cuz I believe in me, oh<br /><br />If I can see it, then I can be it<br />If I just believe it, there's nothing to it<br /><br />[Repeat 1]<br /><br />Hey, if I just spread my wings<br />I can fly<br />I can fly<br />I can fly, hey<br />If I just spread my wings<br />I can fly<br />Fly-eye-eye


On January 11, 2009, across the country, over 4,000 MoveOn members gathered at local council facilities to discuss ideas on how to request congress representatives to support the Economic Recovery Plan of President Elect Obama.

We, the Miami-Beach council, were not the exception. With that idea in mind we developed a plan to collect signatures from the public to be delivered to our district congressmen/women, to show them and the media that there's overwhelming public support for investing in health care, green jobs and clean energy.

Lead by Dave Patlak, we started here, in Miami, Florida, by visiting the local offices of Ileana Ros-Lehtinen at 4969 SW 72nd Avenue Miami, FL 33155, last Wednesday, January 14, 2009, 12:00 PM.

…..and the Sun shall rise again.

Elect Attorney Eric Copeland as Chairman of Miami-Dade Democratic Party

Poema "Absurdo" escrito por Richard Charman en 1985, basado en una historia de amor de la vida real, sobre las relaciones de una pareja de profesionales: ella, una periodista de origen judio-americano, nacida en Islas Virgenes y el, un joven multifacetico nacido en la Republica Dominicana, ambos residentes de la Isla del Encanto, en aquel entonces.

Este video es la primera version video-grafica creada por Alicia Martinez, genial artista grafica oriunda de "La Tierra de Gardel" con la incomparable voz de Marcela Varela.

Actualmente este video es objeto de una disputa en los tribunales federales de la ciudad de Miami, Florida, en virtud de que fue ilegalmente apropiado por una persona a quien le fue confiada una copia con el proposito de ser reproducida para el levantamiento de fondos para la campana presidencial del Senador Obama.

(No podemos ofrecer mayores detalles debido a que este caso esta sub-judice pero si desea enterarse de los detalles de lo que es ya materia de record publico puede accesar el caso Num. 08-23076-CIV-GOLD/MCALILEY en referencia a Richard Charman Vs. Estado de la Florida, et al).

El siguiente video es la version de Marcela Varela, una genial artista grafica, igualmente oriunda de "La Tierra de Gardel".

Ambas constituyen el equipo artistico que hicieron posible la edicion video-grafica de este poema de amor universal.
Llamenos al (305)636-4400 para poner sus obras en video.

SI SE PUEDE!!!!!!!



Picture taken at Rally of Women For Obama held at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, on September 19, 2008, where the unimaginable did happen. (The true Story is already recorded on video and will be available soon, to fight the smears).


Join us at: barackobama.com For the change we demand. A change we will achieve.

Yes We can give hope a chance!

Former Major of Hialeah, Cuban-American Raul Martinez, candidate for Congress for District 21, challenging Lincoln Diaz-Balart, endorses Senator Barack Obama.

El ex-alcalde de Hialeah, el Cubano-Americano Raul Martinez, retador de Lincoln Diaz-Balart en el distrito 21 por el puesto de Senador al Congreso, endorsa al Senador Barack Obama.

Raul Martinez, candidato al Congreso de Estados Unidos, unico retador del actual congresista Lincoln Diaz-Balart por el distrito 21, endoso al Senador Obama desde sus oficinas de campana, sitas en la sede del Partido Democrata en la ciudad de Pinecrest, florida.

Raul, un ferviente simpatizante de la Senadora Hillary Clinton, se hizo eco del llamado de ella y del Partido Democrata a los efectos de desarrollar una campana coordinada, tendente a llevar al mayor numero de candidatos democratas al Congreso, para apoyar la labor de gobierno de quien se perfila, sin lugar a dudas, como el ganador de las elecciones presidenciales del 2008, el carismatico Senador junior por Illinois, Senador Barack Obama.

Los otros congresistas, Mario Diaz Balart e Ileana Ros-lehtinen se enfrentan a los democratas, Joe Garcia, veterano politico cubano, ex chairman del Partido Democrata y Annette Taddeo, exitosa duena de pequeno negocio, de origen italo-colombiano, en una enconada lucha por preservar las posiciones congresionales que han ostendo por un tiempo, considerado por muchos "demasiado largo" quienes tambien consideran sus gestiones "poco fructiferas, sino nefastas para sus constituyentes".

Click on the image to access www.votebigdavepatlak.com

In preparation for the general election, at the right side, above, see picture of the Nationwide Voter Registration for Obama's kickoff, held at The American Legion, on May 11, 2008, from 10:00AM to 3:00PM. The event was coordinated, from left to right, by: Larry Thorson, Communications Director of The Democratic Party; Georgette Brammer, Florida Finance Assistant; Corey Ciorciani, Intern; Ael, Intern and Big Dave Patlak, #21 Democrat For Congress. Also, in the picture, Jack Lieberman, activist and our "Babies For Obama's Model".

Meet Jorge Mas Santos, son of defunct Jorge Mas Canosa (one of the most prestigious figure of the cuban Diaspora), founder of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF).

The following is his speech, delivered at the luncheon that the CANF hosted for Obama.

Conozca a Jorge Mas Santos, hijo del difunto Jorge Mas Canosa (una de las mas prestigiosas figuras de la diaspora cubana), fundador de la Fundacion Nacional Cubano Americana (FNCA).
A continuacion su discurso, durante el almuerzo con que fue agasajado el Senador Barack Obama, el 23 de Mayo del 2008.

On my way to the Intercontinental Hotel, to attend the event that the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) hosted for Obama, on May 23, 2008.

I got so excited (I can not tell right now) Later, people........lol
Hope you enjoy my music

Nah, I will tell you. Did you see the close up of that maroon building? It is Miami-Dade College, Wolfson Campus Main building. As the below picture shows, I was a Program Director Assistant there and we have a case subjudice. (Now you will have to wait for the whole story). lol

After the Meeting at the Intercontinental Hotel in Miami, I headed to the Rally for Obama in Sunrise, Florida.
Watch the video of Obama delivering his speech to a 15,000 (estimated) enthusiastic crowd.

On my way out I met this beautiful young Dominican, Angelica, and her associates, all supporters of Obama.
She was offered a printed banner for these pictures and she declined telling that she preferred this one that she made for Obama. Isn’t it beautiful?


For more interesting videos access this link to "El Tigre". Don't forget to leave a comment. lol.

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