Jul 17, 2008

Absurdo, a Tribute to Love

"Absurdo" is a love “fantasy” (based on a real life love affair that took place 23 years ago, between a black Caribbean male and a blonde American-Jews professional female). It was given, last week, to a happily married woman, in Argentina, who in partnership with another sensitive female soul came up with this video that won 8 honors on youtube the first day it was launched on 7/14/2008.

Watch it…….

Author: Richard Charman, 1985

What chance of the destiny made you that night to kiss my lips, inebriating in your mischievousness my heart, as could not my glass?

To smell your hair, to kiss your lips, to feel you vibrate when sliding smoothly my fingers by your delicate skin and a “I want you”, whispered to your ear very gently, was what needed the soul mine to begin to be consumed in the fire of your love and to become involved with overwhelming force in the vortex of this passion.
Thus, blind and without reason, started my soul to chase your image, to retain your memory in each call, in each date, in each ephemeral encounter.

In the search of the reason of my lack of reason my path was diverted, returning to wander aimless by the inaccessible footpaths of the inter-dimensional space, until finding the source of eternal inspiration, in whose multi-colors cascades submerged my spirit, drinking of its enervating waters, as a traveler with millenarian thirst, transporting me thus to some recondite corner of that space without time, where I found un-redeemed your image and mine.
Surrealists Images
Surrealist figures that in brief paintbrush strokes I imprisoned to render tribute to the love that you inspire me; Genesis of the universe and its things, incomprehensible force able to transmute tears in roses.
Poem Absurdo by Richard Charman, translated to English
Thus irresolutes lasts in my memory; you and your kisses, my roses and verses, and this fantasy; absurd, subjectivist.

Below, illustration of the original written in Spanish.
Absurdo won 5 honors on youtube, within the first 24 hours, after it was launched on 7/14/2008.
Honors won by Video Poem Absurdo, by Richard Charman

Enjoy "Mi Talisman" by Ana Gabriel

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